Inquiring about hosting a special event? We would love to celebrate with you! Please reach out with date, time and number of guests and we will get back with you. We regret that we are unable to host events on Saturday or Sunday due to our regular service. We do limit the number of events during all holiday seasons. Please do not leave messages on our machine or with staff so we can ensure a timely response from our business office.
We are hiring experienced servers. Must be available Saturday and Sunday. Interested applicants should send their resume to our email:
VALENTINE'S DAY andSpecial Events and Gatherings:
Please contact us on the "Reservations/Contact Us" tab to let us know you would like to celebrate with us. We regret that we cannot host large groups on Saturdays and Sundays due to our regular business crowd. As a small restaurant we do have some limitations when trying to seat larger groups. Thank you for understanding and working with us!
We look forward to serving you.